Chen internet addiction scale pdf file

This survey of 454 adolescents used screening 5758. A total of 468 adolescents completed the chen internet addiction scale cias and were systematically assessed for internet using behaviors by seven psychiatrists using the diagnostic interview schedule. The internet addiction test 34 is the most commonly used measure of internet addiction 24. A study on the compilation and psychometric characteristics of chinese internet addiction scale. What is kscale for internet addiction korea scale for. This study aims to explore the prevalence of aia and associated symptoms in a large populationbased sample in shanghai and identify potential predictors related to personal characteristics. While time is not a direct function in defining internet addiction, generally addicted users are likely to use the internet anywhere from forty to eighty hours per week, with single sessions that could last up to twenty hours. Methods demographic items, internet use habits, iat, and the revised chen internet addiction scale ciasr were administered.

The government of the peoples republic of china is the first country to formally classify internet addiction a clinical disorder by recognizing clinical diagnostic criteria for internet addiction in 2008. Internet addiction, while not yet officially codified within a psychopathological framework, is growing both in prevalence and within the public consciousness as a potentially problematic condition with many parallels to existing recognized disorders. Selfharm and its association with internet addiction and. Additional information is provided in the measures section. The minimum and maximum scores of the cias are 26 and 104, respectively. Internet addiction and mobile phone addiction are both forms of technology addiction, and thus would be expected to show similarities and differences. Therefore, this study validates an indonesian translation of the chen internet addiction scale cias. Internet addiction is conceptually too heterogeneous because it pertains to a variety of very different behaviors. Psychometric properties of the revised chen internet. Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences. Kuss, the generalized problematic internet use scale 2 in a french sample. This study aimed to evaluate the factor structure and psychometric properties of ciasr in hong kong chinese adolescents. Effect of pathological use of the internet on adolescent.

This and other relationships between digital media use and mental health have been under considerable. The concurrent validity of the internet addiction test iat. Internet addiction has been recommended for inclusion in dsmv the american psychiatric associations diagnostic and. Pdf development of chinese internet addiction scale and. Internet use is nearly ubiquitous among adolescents and young adults. Family factors of internet addiction and substance use experience in taiwanese adolescents juyu yen, m. It assesses five domains of internet related problems.

Proposed diagnostic criteria of internet addiction for. Hadassah medical organization, nuclear medicine, ein kerem, jerusalem, israel michel lejoyeux, ph. The chen internet addiction scale 17 is a selfreport instrument composed of 26 items rated on a 4point likert scale adapted in table 4. K scale korea scale is a checklist for diagnosing and evaluating internet addiction. The rapid and unfettered increase in the number of people accessing a relatively unrestricted internet substantially increases the possibility. The chen internet addiction scale cias, the selfrating anxiety scale sas, the selfrating depression scale sds, and the barratt impulsiveness scale11 bis11 were administered to assess the participants clinical features. Proposed diagnostic criteria of internet addiction for adole. Despite the involvement of a number of psychosocial factors, a biological processone that is induced by repeated exposure to an addictive stimulusis the core pathology that drives the development and maintenance of an addiction. Matthias brand, theoretical models of the development and maintenance of internet addiction, internet addiction, 10.

Previous studies have developed selfreported ques tionnaires to measure the severity of internet addiction 6,7. This article explores the research on the social effects of internet addiction. The only two instruments that properly investigate internet addiction are the iat young, 1998 and the chen internet addiction scale chen et al. Many studies have determined the existence of an extremely close association between internet addiction and depression. This crosssectional study aims to explore the factors that influence depression among internet addicts. Other questionnaires include the chen internet addiction scale cias yen et al. The reason the kscale for internet addiction is noted is because of the high rate of internet use in korea, where it is estimated that about 30% of kids under the age of 18 are at risk for becoming. K scale for internet addiction korea scale for internet addiction. Frontiers psychometric properties and factor structures. Personal characteristics related to the risk of adolescent. A study on the influence of facebooks behavior on interpersonal relationship and internet addiction in kaohsiung city. Proposed diagnostic criteria and the screening and diagnosing.

One of the important tool used to assess internet addiction is chen internet addiction scale ciac. Research has also demonstrated strong associations between addictive use of technology and comorbid psychiatric disorders. A metaanalysis of the reliabilty of youngs internet. Paralleling the rapid growth in computers and internet connections, adolescent internet addiction aia is becoming an increasingly serious problem, especially in developing countries. The kscale for internet addiction is a checklist created by psychologists and social scientists in south korea. The guidance effects of students with internet addiction in. Internet addiction should be replaced by terms that refer to the specific behaviors eg, gaming, gambling, or sexual activity, regardless of whether these are performed online or offline. The guidance effects of students with internet addiction. The reason the k scale for internet addiction is noted is because of the high rate of internet use in korea, where it is estimated that about 30% of kids under the age of 18 are at risk for becoming. However, the reasons for the depression of internet addicts have not been fully investigated. Internet addiction test iat and mobile phone dependence questionnaire mpdq in this section, we provide an overview of the two measures that were analyzed in the current study.

The present research endeavor, as the first empirical study, qualifies as a pilot study in azerbaijan to help accurately determine internet addicts. They completed a series of selfreported measures, including chen internet. The effects of the use of social network application on interpersonal relationship and internet addiction. Assessment of in vivo microstructure alterations in gray. The psychometric properties of youngs internet addiction scale include the following characteristics. Paralleling the rapid growth in internet access is a rise in internet addiction, especially among adolescents, gaining increased attention from the popular media, government authorities, and researchers. Apr 12, 2020 the k scale for internet addiction is a checklist created by psychologists and social scientists in south korea. Questionnaires and scales for the evaluation of the online sexual activities.

A total of 468 adolescents completed the chen internet addiction scale cias and were systematically assessed for internetusing behaviors by seven psychiatrists using the diagnostic interview schedule. The internet addiction scale showed a strong relationship with dysfunctional social behaviors. Chen internet addiction scale defines ia mainly by 1 withdrawal, compulsive use, and tolerance. Internet addiction is commonly referred to as electronic opium or electronic heroin in china. This sexual revolution has resulted in both positive and negative aspects, enriching sexual functioning but also providing other risks for criminal.

The ultimate aim is to provide and validate a model that is economical and assessing potential internet addiction and may be used in applied psychology contexts, such as prescreening in clinical settings. The association between online gaming, social phobia, and. Griffiths addiction components 2005, including salience. May 30, 2014 internet addiction ia is a newly identified condition that has attracted worldwide attention and involves loss of control over internet use14.

The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of online gamers, and the association between online gaming hours, social phobia, and. Family factors of internet addiction and substance use. Internet addiction and relationships with insomnia, anxiety. Mar, 2014 the effect of problematic use of the internet on mental health, particularly depression among young people, has been established but without a probable model for the underlying mechanism. Pdf psychometric properties of the internet addiction test in. The concurrent validity of the internet addiction test. However, there are few studies on the psychiatric symptoms associated with excessive use of online games. Internet addiction disorder iad also known as problematic internet use or pathological internet use is generally defined as problematic, compulsive use of the internet, that results in significant impairment in an individuals function in various life domains over a prolonged period of time. Despite inconclusive or inconsistent definition for this disorder, usage of the internet is growing rapidly each year especially among adolescents, making it imperative to look into factors that can be correlated to it. The shorter promis questionnaire and the internet addiction scale in the assessment of multiple addictions in a highschool population. Adaptation of internet addiction scale in azerbaijani. The effect of problematic use of the internet on mental health, particularly depression among young people, has been established but without a probable model for the underlying mechanism. Internet addiction scale revealed that among the sample, 3.

It also appears to be the most validated assessment 28 studies in 17 different languages. Proceedings of the world congress on engineering 2012 vol i wce 2012, july 4 6, 2012, london, u. Pathological use of the internet was assessed by the internet addiction test, also known as the youngs internet addiction scale, designed by young. Internet addiction has been recommended for inclusion in dsmv the american psychiatric associations diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth revision. The sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of the candidate diagnostic criteria were analyzed with. Internet use has grown exponentially worldwide to more than 2.

The chen internet addiction scale cias has been widely used in taiwan 12. It assesses five domains of internetrelated problems. The aims of this study were to develop diagnostic criteria of internet addiction for college students dciac with diagnostic interviews and to establish the optimal cutoff points of the chen internet addiction scale cias for the purposes of screening for and making the diagnosis of internet addiction. The clinical utility of the chen internet addiction scalegaming. Participant scores on the chen internet addiction scale cias. The former has been built on youngs model focusing on the dependency as a central factor and the aim of the questionnaire is to provide a score of pathology. The questionnaire of experiences related to internet has been validated in spain 14, the compulsive internet use scale cius in holland 15, and. Internet gaming addiction iga, the most popular subtype of internet addiction, has been extensively studied and is currently included in section 3, the research appendix, of the diagnostic and statistical manual version 5 dsmv. A total of 162 male internet addicts completed the emotional and social. Hospital bichat claude bernard, aphp, psychiatry, paris, france background. Recent studies suggest that internet gaming addiction iga is an impulse disorder, or is at least related to impulse control disorders. Proposed diagnostic criteria and the screening and. Belland3 research indicates that maladaptive patterns of internet use constitute behavioral addiction. Seventeen adolescents with iga and seventeen healthy controls were.

Kscale for internet addiction korea scale for internet addiction. Respondents answered 26 items that comprised five dimensions. Kscale korea scale is a checklist for diagnosing and evaluating internet addiction. While time is not a direct function in defining internet addiction, generally addicted users are likely to use the internet anywhere from forty to eighty hours per week.

Internet addiction, also described as pathological internet use, is defined as an individuals inability to control his. Internet addiction disorder is highest in the philippines, according to both the iat internet addiction test 5% and the ciasr revised chen internet addiction scale 21%. This study investigated the association between the internet addiction test iat and the mobile phone dependence questionnaire mpdq as a test of concurrent validity. Kuss, the generalized problematic internet use scale2 in a french sample. Internet addiction and relationships with insomnia. The effects of the use of social network application on. Over the last decade, research into addictive technological behaviors has substantially increased.

The association between internet addiction and psychiatric co. In the present study, we hypothesized that different facets of trait impulsivity may be specifically linked to the brain regions with impaired impulse inhibition function in iga adolescents. In this study, a model is presented to describe possible pathways for the linkage between internet gaming addiction and depression possibly mediated by sleep problems. The internet addiction test young, 1998 emerged as the most frequently used scale for internet addiction bowen and firestone, 2011, frangos et al. Young 1996 characterized internet addiction as staying online for pleasure averaging 38 hours or more per week, largely in chat rooms, and concluded that internet addiction can shatter families, relationships, and careers. Internet addiction or excessive internet use aviv weinstein, ph. Epidemiology of internet behaviors and addiction among adolescents in six asian countries.

Methodsthis study was a crosssectional survey of students who selfcompleted a series of online questionnaires including a sociodemographic information questionnaire, questionnaire. The revised chen internet addiction scale ciasr was developed to assess internet addiction in chinese populations, but its psychometric properties in adolescents have not been examined. All questionnaires were translated into chinese form english for the benefit of the subjects. Psychometric properties of the internet addiction test in chinese. The aim of this study was to establish the optimal cutoff points of the chen internet addiction scale cias, to screen for and diagnose internet addiction among adolescents in the community by using the wellestablished diagnostic criteria of internet addiction. Questionnaires and scales for the evaluation of the online. Psychometric properties of the revised chen internet addiction scale ciasr in chinese adolescents. Sias department of addictions and rehabilitation studies massively multiplayer online role playing games mmorpgs are a form of mass media with potential for behavioral addiction among some users. Backgroundpurposeselfharm sh is a risk factor for suicide. Yoshihiro university information management department master in the professional class teacher thesis, unpublished, kaohsiung city. Frontiers challenges in internet addiction disorder.

Psychometric properties of the internet addiction test in chinese adolescents. The relationship between addictive use of social media and. Frontiers psychometric properties and factor structures of. The study provided description on adolescent internet addiction and examined significant differences in terms of gender, type of school. The face validity of the translated questionnaire was. Effect of social support on depression of internet addicts. The aim of this study was to establish the optimal cutoff points of the chen internet addiction scale cias, to screen for and diagnose internet addiction among. An empirical study on cutoff points for the chen internet addiction scale article pdf available in the kaohsiung journal of medical sciences 2112. Pdf development of chinese internet addiction scale and its. The cias is a fourpoint, 26item selfreported scale, it measures internet addiction with good reliability and validity for college students. The chen internet addiction scale cias is a 26item selfreported measure with good reliability and validity 7, and has been used to measure the severity of adolescent internet addiction 4. The association between internet addiction and psychiatric. Revised chen internet addiction scale ciasr was devel. Prevalence and related disability volume 11 issue 12 stefano pallanti, silvia bernardi, leonardo quercioli.

Trait impulsivity and impaired prefrontal impulse inhibition. Internet gaming addiction, problematic use of the internet. Internet addiction should be replaced by terms that refer to the specific behaviors eg, gaming, gambling, or sexual activity, regardless of. The revised chen internet addiction scale ciasr the ciasr is a 26item selfreport questionnaire with a fourpoint likert scale ranging from 1 does not match my experience at all to 4 definitely matches my experience.

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